Transhumanist Mind Uploads (Comic #15)
Friday, August 22, 2014

Text Version:
[A scientist stands next to a machine with a chair and a cap with electrodes, he speaks to a crowd]
Scientist: The singularity is here! Come upload your mind to the machine and achieve immortality!
[Guy from audience speaks to scientist]
Guy: Sounds cool, what do I have to do?
Scientist: Just 2 simple steps. First this machine will scan and copy your brain into the computer. Next, Titanium here will remove the old redundant copy.
[Titanium holds a ray-gun]
Guy: Uhh, redundant copy?
Scientist: He'll destroy your biological body so there's not 2 copies of you. But not to worry... you'll live in the machine... FOREVER!!!
[Crickets chirping]
Scientist: Hey, where'd everyone go?
Titanium: Maybe our powerpoint presentation needs more exciting clip art?
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